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Help young people to understand and communicate on the topic of Drugs Awareness.


This set is for parents, teachers, tutors or mentors to be used to enable conversation with young people on the sensitive issue of Drugs.


These Discussion Card Sets explore young people's understanding of a topic, the causes, affects and feelings you get from it. These discussion cards encourage them to communicate and discuss their knowledge about it and whilst conversing you can begin to understand their mindsets and attitudes, allowing you to identify future teaching needs.

For parents, these enable you to speak to your children about sensitive topics using a structure and format that motivate young people to share their thoughts and feelings with you.


  • Full instructions included.
  • Ready to open and use straight out of the box.
  • Easy to use
  • For our full range of Discussion Packs see Resources Shop



    • DESIGNED BY Let's Get Talking
    • PUBLISHED BY Let's Get Talking


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